LIVE GENEROUSLY - as God has blessed you
Every day and every week at Spirit of Hope, we continue to seek ways to live generously in Christ, by sharing his story, our blessings, and our abundance. The bible speaks of offering a tithe, a tenth of your income, as a guideline for an amount to share from your blessings. What you choose to share needs to fit your budget and your heart.
Think of what you might give as simply an extension of giving yourself back to God, a God who loves each of us more than we could ever imagine. In the words of the Apostle Paul, the early Christians found excitement in giving. “First they gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the will of God.” Giving is one of the great acts of faith in a walk with Christ, not knowing what the future may bring. As God is generous in what he gives to us, so shall we be in return.
Giving is always appreciated at Spirit of Hope, no matter how great or small, and you can make your donation online by clicking the button below. A new page will open and you can designate where and how you would like your funds to be utilized. We have thirteen of our most donated to funds for you to choose from.
Choose to give one time, weekly, semi-weekly, monthly, or yearly to a fund of your choice. You can specify a direct withdrawal from your bank account or a credit card charge, and either way, your transaction is quick and secure. To participate in the offering on Saturday or Sunday, use the Simply Giving card in the seat back ahead of you as your personal reminder, that you are a part of the community of givers.
Your generosity will support the Christian Practices of Worshiping, Learning, Caring, and Reaching Out. The consequences are wide-spread, and enable Spirit of Hope “To make Christ known!”
We trust God to bless our giving and strive to share our abundance with this church and each other. We respond to the Grace we’ve been shown by sharing our financial bounty freely and joyfully. Simply put, we worship God with our finances.