Welcome! We are glad you're here!
Worship Services:
Saturday Evening - 5:00 PM MST
Sunday Morning - 9:30 AM MST
Welcome To Spirit Of Hope Lutheran Church!
Through Jesus Christ we have been able to grow and share the many gifts we have been given. Our road has been joined by a great variety of believers. We are made up of people from all different backgrounds, ages, talents and economic situations.
Our common purpose is to make Christ known. In this truth, our compass is unwavering. We are united in our love of God, our support of each other and our purpose. We strive to spread the message of grace and forgiveness to a world in need of both.
Questions? Contact us!
Upcoming Events:
Every year, Lutherans (and friends!) from across the state of Arizona gather at the Capitol to advocate on pressing issues and timely legislation. In 2024, more than 125 Lutherans advocated on all the LAMA legislative policy priorities for 2024, asking our representatives to keep these issues in mind as we move into the session. This year, we’ll advocate on LAMA’s 2025 policy priorities.
If you haven’t registered to join us, please click here! We look forward to advocating with you!
Service Times & Location
Visit the church at 2605 S Signal Butte Rd Mesa, AZ 85209.
Service Times
Saturday, 5:00 PM (Contemporary music) - Fellowship begins at 4:30 PM. Coffee and treats are served.
Sunday, 9:30 AM (Traditional and live streamed (click here)) Fellowship begins after service. Stay for coffee and treats.